Dignified and majestic, the American Elk is an icon of the American West
The Elk is one of the most captivating animals in North America, the size, majesty, and unique sounds have captivated the hearts of many animal lovers.
We haven’t talked too much about them, so I have some cool facts to share with you today!:
Also Read: Everything You Need To Know About Eating Elk Meat
- Population and location — First, they span the modern-day USA, but they are now mainly located in the West part of the country.
It is estimated that 10 million elks were spanning North America before settlers came to the continent; now, there are around 1 million elks!
2. Name origin and physical features — Elk are also called wapiti, a Native American word that means “light-colored deer.”
Elk are related to deer but are much larger than most of their relatives (except the moose). In fact, American elk are some of the largest animals in North America, weighing between 375 and 1,100 pounds.
The elk’s antlers are the fastest growing bone of any mammal, growing as much as 1 inch per day during the summer when they receive the most sunlight.
Also Read: Top 5 Fascinating Facts About Elk You Probably Didn’t Know
Elks can bugle, squeal, grunt AND bark. This may seem cute, but it’s actually a little too scary to hear it.
3. Breeding season and social life — Elk are very social animals and form large groups, called gangs, of up to 400 individuals, and when mating season begins, the male elks have their harems of up to six females to mate with!
The breeding season, also called the Rut, begins in the fall and late summer, and the males live peacefully together until the Rut begins.
(I definitely wouldn’t try to steal one of the dates of the fella above!)
Bonus — There’s a sport called shed hunting. This consists of finding the antlers that the elks lose due to seasonal changes.
It’s a sport for outdoor fans and hunters alike. Just make sure you search for them right around the time they usually fall in your state, as squirrels and chipmunks will chew up the antlers!
The elk is one of the most interesting meats we have, often overlooked.
Some people normally think it’s too gamey, but the meat tastes somewhere between beef and venison and is higher in protein and lower in fat and cholesterol than beef, pork, and chicken.
Elk meat is also a good source of iron, phosphorus, and zinc.